Content Posted in 2024
1998 Legislative Review, Aaron Lake
1999 Legislative Review, Aaron Lake
2000 Legislative Review, Alicia Finigan
2001 Legislative Review, Laurie Fulkerson
2003 Legislative Review, Emilie Clermont
2004 Legislative Review, Joshua D. Hodes
2005-2006 Legislative Review, Sunrise Cox
2006 Animal-Law Related Articles, Brett Cattani
2006 Legislative Review, Marjorie A. Berger
2007-2008 Legislative Review, Nancy R. Hoffman and Robin C. McGinnis
2007-2008 Legislative Review, Blair McRory
2009 Legislative Review, Jennifer O'Brien and Randall Szabo
2010 Legislative Review, Jenny Keatinge and Richard Myers
2022 Legislative Review, Emilie Keturakis
A Call for Stricter Appellate Review of Decisions on Forum Non Conveniens, Nicholas Fromherz
A Call to Action: Concrete Proposals for Reducing Widespread Animal Suffering in the United States, Dana M. Campbell
A Contractarian View of Animal Rights: Insuring Against the Possibility of Being a Non-Human Animal, Julie Hilden
A Dangerously Misleading Case for Extinction: A Review of Noah's Choice: The Future of Endangered Species, Shennie Patel
A.G. Bollen to International Whaling Commission, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
A.G. Noble to Friends of the Earth, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
A.H. Briggs to Angela King, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
A House on Fire: Linking the Biological and Linguistic Diversity Crises, Kieran Suckling
A.J. Stanton to Kathleen Sims, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Alan F. Mager to Donna Miller, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Alchemizing The Bar: An Examination of Global Ethical Considerations for Using Alternatives to Animals in Research, Testing, and Education, Lenore M. Montanaro
Alien Language: Immigration Metaphors and the Jurisprudence of Otherness, Keith Cunningham-Parmeter
American Embassy, Tokyo to United States Department of State, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
American Roland Food Corp. to Linda Scheible, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Angela King to David R. Brower, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Angela King to Patricia Forkan, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Angela King to Patti Patricia Forkan, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Angela King to The Fund for Animals, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Angela Potter to Patricia Forkan, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Animal Cruelty and Violence Against Humans: Making the Connection, Randall Lockwood
Animal Cruelty Legislation: The Pasado Law and Its Legacy, Steve Ann Chambers
Animal Custody Disputes: A Growing Crack in the "Legal Thinghood" of Nonhuman Animals, Barbara Newell
Animal Experimentation: Lessons From Human Experimentation, Arthur Birmingham LaFrance
Animal Law -- A Global Phenomenon, Natasha Dolezal, Pamela Frasch, and Kathy Hessler
Animal Law and Animal Rights on the Move in Sweden, Helena Striwing
Animal Law in Action: The Law, Public Perception, and the Limits of Animal Rights Theory as a Basis for Legal Reform, Jonathan R. Lovvorn
Animal Law -- The Casebook, Steven M. Wise
Animal Oppression and the Pragmatist, Lesli Bisgould
Animal Rights Theory and Utilitarianism: Relative Normative Guidance, Gary L. Francione
Animals as Property, Gary L. Francione
Animals as Vulnerable Subjects: Beyond Interest-Convergence, Hierarchy, and Property, Ani B. Satz
Animal Sentience Should Be The Key For Future Legislation, Margaret Landi and Lida Anestidou
Animal Testing in Cosmetics: Recent Developments in the European Union and the United States, Laura Donnellan
Animal Thing to Animal Person -- Thoughts on Time, Place, and Theories, Steven M. Wise
Animal Violence Court: A Therapeutic Jurisprudence-Based Problem-Solving Court for the Adjudication of Animal Cruelty Cases Involving Juvenile Offenders and Animal Hoarders, Debra L. Muller-Harris
Animal Welfare: Its Place in Legislation, Christopher Shays
Animal Welfare Law in Canada and Europe, Elaine L. Hughes and Christiane Meyer
Another Weapon for Combating Family Violence: Prevention of Animal Abuse, Charlotte Lacroix
Apes, Darwinian Continuity, and the Law, Roger S. Fouts
A Poisoned Field: Farmworkers, Pesticide Exposure, and Tort Recovery in an Era of Regulatory Failure, Keith Cunningham-Parmeter
Appeal to Governments to End Commercial Whaling Operations, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
A.P. Ridley-Thomson to Mrs. H. Harrington, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
A.R.C. Spencer to Angela King, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Are Chimpanzees Entitled to Fundamental Legal Rights?, Jane Goodall and Steven M. Wise
A Review of Animal Rights: Current Debates and New Directions, Laura Ireland Moore
A Review of Minding Animals: Awareness, Emotions, and Heart by Dr. Mark Bekoff, Michael Tobias
Are Women Persons?, Drucilla Cornell
Art-Iculating the Analysis: Systemizing the Decision to Use Visuals as Legal Reasoning, Steven J. Johansen and Ruth Anne Robbins
A. Skarstein to Kathleen Sims, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Asset Forfeiture and Animal Cruelty: Making One of the Most Powerful Tools in the Law Work for the Most Powerless Members of Society, Amy A. Breyer
A Step at a Time: New Zealand's Progress Toward Homonid Rights, Rowan Taylor
At a Complex Crossroads: Animal Law in Indian Country, Rob Roy Smith
Barbara Entwistle to Angela King, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Barry S. Tyler to Canadian M.P.s, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Between the Flood and the Rainbow: Our Covenant to Protect the Whole of Creation, Bruce Babbitt
Beyond the Law: Agribusiness and the Systemic Abuse of Animals Raised for Food or Food Production, David J. Wolfson
Bill Lann Lee with Lee Matthews
Bioethics and Animal Experimentation, Arthur B. LaFrance
Biological Continuity and Great Ape Rights, Mark A. Krause
Biotechnology and the Patenting of Living Organisms, Matthew McGovern
Book Review: Illegal People: How Globalization Creates Migration and Criminalizes Immigrants, Keith Cunningham-Parmeter
Breed Specific Legislation: Unfair Prejudice and Ineffective Policy, Devin Burstein
Building our Future, Joyce Tischler
Burnice Kraemer to Patricia Forkan, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Caging Animal Advocates' Political Freedoms: The Unconstitutionality of the Animal and Ecological Terrorism Act, Andrew N. Ireland Moore
California Proposition 2: A Watershed Moment for Animal Law, Jonathan R. Lovvorn and Nancy V. Perry
Canning Canned Hunts: Using State and Federal Legislation to Eliminate the Unethical Practice of Canned "Hunting", Laura J. Ireland
Can Nonhuman Animals Find Tort Protection in a Human-Centered Common Law?, Enger McCartney-Smith
Caring for Dolphins, Otters, and Octopuses: Speciesism in the Regulation of Zoos and Aquariums, Marla K. Conley
Center for Law and Social Policy Note, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Charles E. Phillips, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Charles E. Phillips to William W. Burns, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Charles R. Angin to Takeshi Yasukawa, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Chinese Endangered Species at the Brink of Extinction: A Critical Look at the Current Law and Policy in China, Charu Sharma
Choosing a Court to Review the Executive, Joseph Mead and Nicholas Fromherz
Chris Cook to Mrs. J.C. Yarbrough, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Christine Stevens to "Friend of Whales", International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Christine Stevens to "Friends of Whales", International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Christopher Roosevelt to Christine Stevens, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Citizen Standing to Enforce Anti-Cruelty Laws by Obtaining Injunctions: The North Carolina Experience, William A. Reppy Jr.
Claude Desjardins to M. Lakin, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Cleveland Amory to Angela King, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Clifton Curtis and Daniel Wake to [various environmental organizations], International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Climate Change and the Puget Sound: Building the Legal Framework for Adaptation, Robert L. Glicksman, Catherine O'Neill, Ling-Yee Huang, William L. Andreen, Robin Kundis Craig, Victor Byers Flatt, William Funk, Dale D. Goble, Alice Kaswan, and Robert R. M. Verchick
Clive F.H. Taylor to S.G. Dunn, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Colin Platt to Norweigian Prime Minister, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Colin Platt to Swedish Ambassador, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Combating Bribery of Indigenous Leaders in International Business, George K. Foster
Coming Attractions: An Essay on Movie Trailers and Preliminary Statements, Steven J. Johansen
Community Participation in Development, George K. Foster
Companion Animal, Sebastien Gay
Confronting Barriers to the Courtroom for Animal Advocates, Delcianna J. Winders
Confronting Barriers to the Courtroom for Animal Advocates: Animal Advocacy and Causes of Action, Carter Dillard, David Favre, Eric Glitzenstein, Mariann Sullivan, Sonia Waisman, and Leonard Egert
Confronting Barriers to the Courtroom for Animal Advocates: Conclusion, David J. Wolfson
Confronting Barriers to the Courtroom for Animal Advocates: Introduction, Clayton Gillette and Joyce Tischler
Confronting Barriers to the Courtroom for Animal Advocates: Legal Standing for Animals and Advocates, David Cassuto, Jonathan Lovvorn, Katherine Meyer, and Joyce Tischler
Confronting Barriers to the Courtroom for Animal Advocates: Linking Cultural and Legal Transitions, Taimie Bryant, Una Chaudhuri, Dale Jamieson, Laura Ireland Moore, and David J. Wolfson
Consulate General of Japan, Letter to the Editor published in the New York Times, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Consulate General of Japan to the New York Times, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Cornelia Memo, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Could a Chimpanzee or Bonobo Take the Stand?, Angela Campbell
Craig Van Note to Richard Frank, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Crime Victims' Rights: Critical Concepts for Animal Rights, Douglas E. Beloof
"Cruelty to Police Dog" Laws Update, Craig Scheiner
Daniel J. Morast to Patricia Forkan, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
David A. Thomas to Cleveland Amory, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
David C. Phillips to Patricia Forkan, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
David E. Levy Letter to the Editor, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
David H. Wallace to Arturo Diaz-Rojo, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
David R. Brower to Cleveland Amory and Others, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
David R. Brower to "Governor", International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Davis Kastan to Linda Scheible, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Dead Dog Running: The Cruelty of Greyhound Racing and the Bases for its Abolition in Massachusetts, Erin N. Jackson
Deadly Drones, Due Process, and the Fourth Amendment, William Funk
De-Myth-Ifying Laboratory Animal Law: The Truth Behind Four Commonly Misunderstood Facts in Laboratory Animal Welfare Law, Rebecca Critser
Denise Krivosta to Patrice O'Toole, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Discrimination by Algorithm: Employer Accountability for Biased Customer Reviews, Keith Cunningham-Parmeter
Dismantling the Barriers to Legal Rights for Nonhuman Animals, Steven M. Wise
"Do Dogs Ape?" Or "Do Apes Dog?" And Does it Matter?, Marc Bekoff
Dog-Focused Law's Impact on Disability Rights: Ontario's Pit Bull Legislation as a Case in Point, Barbara Hanson
Dog Meat in Korea: A Socio-Legal Challenge, Rakhyun E. Kim
Dolphin-Safe Tuna: The Tide is Changing, Kristin L. Stewart
Donna Miller to Daniel E. Russ, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Donna Miller to Stewart H. Freeman, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Don’t Fence Me In -- Appllication of the Unlawful Inclosures of Public Lands Act to Benefit Wildlife, Chandra Rosenthal and Kara Gillon
Dorit Riemer to Patricia Forkan, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Draft of Whaling Fact Sheet distributed by The Fund for Animals, Inc., International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Dreaming of Effective Assistance: The Awakening of Cronic's Call to Presume Prejudice from Representational Absence, Keith Cunningham-Parmeter
Effective Voir Dire in Animal Cases, Larry Weiss
E.J. Cresswell to Friends of the Earth, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Elaine M. DiFederico to The Fund for Animals, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Electronic Surveillance of Terrorism in the United States, William Funk
Electronic Surveillance of Terrorism: The Intelligence/Law Enforcement Dilemma - A History, William Funk
Ellen Arthur to E. Canciani, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Empowering Ukraine’s First Legal Responders: Ukrainian-US Collaboration and Clinics, Susan Felstiner, Davida Finger, Michelle Greenberg-Kobrin, and Mariia Tsypiashchuck
Enacting and Enforcing Felony Animal Cruelty Laws to Prevent Violence Against Humans, Joseph G. Sauder
Enforcing Existing Rights, Cass R. Sunstein
Environmental Enrichment for Farmed Animals, Alexandra Schauer
Environmentally Friendly Ranching? An Interview on the High Desert, Lisa Johnson
Environmental Perspectives: Moving Toward a Market-Oriented Middle Ground, James L. Huffman
Equal Standing with States: Tribal Sovereignty and Standing after Massachusetts v. EPA, Nicholas Fromherz and Joseph Mead
Equity as a Paradigm for Sustainability: Evolving the Process Toward Interspecies Equity, Gwendellyn Io Earnshaw
Eugenia McNaughton and Joan McIntyre to Sue Pressman, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Exhaustion of Administrative Remedies - New Dimensions Since Darby, William Funk
Exploited: The Unexpected Victims of Animal Agriculture, Caitlin Kelly
False Advertising, Animals, and Ethical Consumption, Carter Dillard
Father Time: Flexible Work Arrangements and the Law Firm's Failure of the Family, Keith Cunningham-Parmeter
FDA Modernization Act 2.0: The Beginning of the End for Animal Testing in Drug Development, Julia Williams
Fear of Discovery: Immigrant Workers and the Fifth Amendment, Keith Cunningham-Parmeter
Feedlots -- Rural America's Sewer, Marilyn Lee Nardo
Fifteen Volumes of Animal Law, Laura Cadiz
Finding Our Voice: Challenges and Opportunitites for the Animal Law Community, Pamela Frasch
Five Years of the "New" Animal Welfare Regime: Lessons Learned From New Zealand's Decision to Modernize its Animal Welfare Legislation, Peter Sankoff
Forced Federalism: States as Laboratories of Immigration Reform, Keith Cunningham-Parmeter
Foreign Investment and Indigenous Peoples: Options for Promoting Equilibrium between Economic Development and Indigenous Rights, George K. Foster
Free Speech, Animal Law, and Food Activism, Howard F. Lyman
From Amazon to Uber: Defining Employment in the Modern Economy, Keith Cunningham-Parmeter
From Consultation to Consent: Community Approval as a Prerequisite to Environmentally Significant Projects, Nicholas Fromherz
Genetic Engineering of Domestic Animals: Human Prerogative or Animal Cruelty?, Michelle K. Albrecht
George L. Small to Cleveland Amory, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
George Taft to Patricia Forkan, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Gig-Dependence: Finding the Real Independent Contractors of Platform Work, Keith Cunningham-Parmeter
Got Organic Milk? "Pasture"-ize it! An Analysis of the USDA's Pasture Regulations for Organic Dairy Animals, Fatema Merchant
G.V. Hunt to P. Brangwyn, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Habitat-Based Conservation Legislation: A New Direction For Sea Turtle Conservation, Tara Zuardo
Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow: Equine Cosmetic Crimes and Other Tails of Woe, Sandra Tozzini
Hajime Yamato to Pauline Dee Kivett, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Handwritten note, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Harvey L. Schein to Roberta Lacey, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Haward Yamato to Robert D. Ehlers, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Henry Alan Lawless to Kathleen Sims, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
H.H. Mauritzen to Angela Potter, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Howard Yamato to Mark Browne, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Howard Yamato to Mary D. Price, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Howard Yamato to Robin McNeely, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
H.P. Von Tobel to John Worley, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Human Drama, Animal Trials: What the Medieval Animal Trials Can Teach Us About Justice for Animals, Katie Sykes
Humane Education, Dissection, and the Law, Marcia Goodman Kramer
Ian W. Murray to Linda Scheible, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Ian W. Murray to Mark Browne, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Ian W. Murray to Mrs. Donald S. Dushkind, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
If Animal Rights Activists Could Write Federal Research Policy, Vasanth R. Shenai
Implementing Toxicity Testing in the 21st Century: Challenges and Opportunities, Paul Locke, Margit Westphal, Joyce Tischler, Kathy Hessler, Pamela Frasch, Bruce Myers, and Daniel Krewski
Incorporating Animal Law Into Private Practice, Holly Anne Gibbons
Inge Rindal to Robert M. White, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Integrating Animal Interests Into Our Legal System, David Favre
International Animal Rights: Speciesism and Exclusionary Human Dignity, Kyle Ash
In the Line of Fire: Brown V. Muhlenberg Township and the Reality of Police Seizures of Companion Animals, Denee A. DiLuigi
Intimidation and the Internet, William Funk
Investor-Community Conflicts in Investor-State Dispute Settlement: Rethinking 'Reasonable Expectations' and Expecting More from Investors, George K. Foster
Investors, States, and Stakeholders: Power Asymmetries in International Investment and the Stabilizing Potential of Investment Treaties, George K. Foster
Ira Morais to Mrs. J. Heit, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Ira Morais to Mrs. M.D. Price, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Ira Morais to Robin McNeely, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Islamic Intellectual Property, Tabrez Ebrahim
Is the Environmental Appeals Board Unconstitutional or Unlawful?, William Funk
James D. Brown to Kris Vaitkus, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Janice J. Foti to Jennifer M. Porter, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
J. Depace to Linda Scheible, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Jennifer M. Porter to Janice J. Foti, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
J.F. Storrs to B.J. Fleet, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
J.M. Lambert to Kathleen Sims, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Joan McIntyre and Eugenia McNaughton to John A. Hoyt, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Joanne Marchig to Reg Stacey, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Joel H. Sachs to Cleveland Amory, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
John A. Hoyt to J.W. de Jong Schouwenburg, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
John A. Hoyt to J.W. de Jong Schouwenburg, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
John A. Hoyt to Linda Rae Sheahan, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
John A. Hoyt to Project JONAH, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
John Gleiber to Patricia Forkan, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
John H. Prescott to John A. Hoyt, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
John Jay Goodman to Cleveland Amory, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
John Walsh to Romeo LeBlanc, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Joint Non-Governmental Organisation Statement to the International Whaling Commission, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Joseph R. Blum Blum to Lewis Regenstein, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
JPG Memo, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Judicial Deference and Regulatory Preemption by Federal Agencies, William Funk
Judith A. Gustafson to Doris Dixon, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Judy Cooper to Angela King, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Just Say Neigh: A Call for Federal Regulation of By-Product Disposal by the Equine Industry, Mary W. Craig
Karen R. Klimas to Ruth H. Borgman, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Karl Frucht to Patricia Forkan, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Karl Frucht to Patricia Forkan, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Karl Frucht to Patricia Forkan, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Karl Frucht to Reg Stacey, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
K.B. Alberman to B.J. Fleet, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Kenneth H. Luehmann to Patricia Kolen, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
K. Frucht to Patricia Forkan, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
K. Frucht to Ray Gambell, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
K. Frucht to Ray Gambell, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
K. Frucht to Ray Gambell, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
K. Mouri to Mr. Ehlers, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
K. Mouri to Mrs. Heit, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Kurt Kron Letter to the Editor, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
L.A. Carter to R.C. Gurd, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Lauren Alexander to Mrs. S.M.D. Price, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Law and Public Policy: Future Directions For The Animal Protection Movement, Wayne Pacelle
Law Office History and the Unrelenting Attack on Public Accommodations Law, James M. Oleske Jr.
Lee M. Talbot to Constance C. Bauer, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Legal Personhood and the Nonhuman Rights Project, Steven A. Wise
Legal Protection for Horses: Care And Stewardship or Hypocrisy and Neglect?, Lafcadio H. Darling
Legal Rights for Nonhuman Animals: The Case for Chimpanzees and Bonobos, Steven M. Wise
Legal Trade in African Elephant Ivory: Buy Ivory to Save the Elephant?, Sam B. Edwards III
Leo J. Ryan to President Carter, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Lessons Learned: Acting as Guardian/Special Master in the Bad Newz Kennels Case, Rebecca J. Huss
Letter from Patricia Forkan to Robbins Barstow, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Letter Sent to Members of the International Whaling Commission Prior to the June 1973 Meeting, Sample Addressed to Leonid Il'ich Brezhnev, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Letter Urging Support of Commercial Whaling Moratorium, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Lewis Regenstein to Anatoliy F. Dobrynin, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Lewis Regenstein to Arne Gunneng, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Lewis Regenstein to Richard Frank, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Lewis Regenstein to Robert Schoning, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Lewis Regenstein to Roy K. Essoyan, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Lewis Regenstein to William Aron, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Lewis Regenstein to Zoe Hunter, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Lewis Regenstewn to The Honorable Robert M. White, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Lewis Regenstewn to William Aron, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Lew Shoskes to Kathleen Sims, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Liberal Jews and Religious Liberty, David H. Schraub
Liberating Animal Law: Breaking Free from Human-Use Typologies, Jessica Eisen
Linda Rae Sheahan to John A. Hoyt, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Linda Scheible to Patricia Forkan, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Linda Scheible to Patricia Forkan, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Live Free or Die: On their Own Terms: Bringing Animal-Rights Philosophy Down to Earth By Lee Hall, Joel Marks
L.J. Palin to V.U. Little, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Long-Term Outcomes in Animal Hoarding Cases, Colin Berry, Gary Patronek, and Randall Lockwood
Looking for a Nexus Between Trust, Compassion, and Regulation: Colorado's Search for Standards of Care for Private, Non-Profit Wildlife Sanctuaries, Katherine A. Burke
Madeleine Bemelmans and Christine Stevens to "Friend of Whales", International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Make My Day! Dirty Harry and Final Agency Action, William Funk
Man['s Best Friend] Does Not Live by Bread Alone: Imposing a Duty to Provide Veterinary Care, Phyllis Coleman
Marcilynn Burke with Dan Rohlf and Chris Wold
Marcilynn Burke with Jennifer Johnson
Marcilynn Burke with Lee Matthews
Marian Probstto to Victor Scheffer, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Markets, Regulation, and Environmental Protection, James L. Huffman
Marlene Lakin to Managers of Toronto Area Japanese Businesses, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Marlene Lakin to Patricia Forkan, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Marlene Lakin to Patricia Forkan, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Marlene Lakin to Patricia Forkan and Cleveland Amory, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Marriage Equality, Workplace Inequality: The Next Gay Rights Battle, Keith Cunningham-Parmeter
McLibel, David J. Wolfson
Men at Work, Fathers at Home: Uncovering the Masculine Face of Caregiver Discrimination, Keith Cunningham-Parmeter
M.F.W. Williams to Mrs. A.E. Dyer, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Michael Gannon to Craig Van Note, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Milton M. Kaufmann to Patricia Forkan, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Milton M. Kaufmann to Theodore J. Walker, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Milton M. Kaufman to Terry Leitzell, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Milton M. Kaufman to Terry Leitzell, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
M. Ivashin to Patricia Forkan, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Modern Trends in Veterinary Malpractice: How Our Evolving Attitudes Toward Nonhuman Animals Will Change Veterinary Medicine, Mary Margaret McEachern Nunalee and G. Robert Weedon
Mrs. J. Heit to Cleveland Amory, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Mrs. S. Denby-Wood to Angela King, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
M.S. Strong to Kathleen Sims, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
M.S. Strong to Kathleen Sims, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
M.W. Hoshino to Deanna Martinez, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Natural Behavior, Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson
Neither Covered Nor Excluded: Impacts of Speciesism on Aquatic Animal Experimentation under the Animal Welfare Act, Sophia Pastorini
News from IWC in Tokyo, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
New Zealand's Animal Welfare Act: What is its Value Regarding Non-Human Hominids?, Paula Brosnahan
Nick Carter to Patricia Forkan, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
No Pets Allowed: Housing Issues and Companion Animals, Rebecca J. Huss
Oats, Water, Hay, and Everything Else: The Regulation of Anabolic Steroids in Thoroughbred Horse Racing, Bradley S. Friedman
Obstacles to Legal Rights for Animals: Can We Get There From Here?, Susan Finsen
Oceans in the Balance: As the Sharks Go, So Go We, Paula Walker
OES/OPA Memo, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
On Redefining The Boundaries of Animal Ownership: Burdens and Benefits of Evidencing Animals' Personalities, Geordie Duckler
On the Lamb: Toward a National Animal Abuser Registry, Stacy A. Nowicki
On the "Necessary Suffering" of Nonhuman Animals, Michael Allen Fox
Open Letter to The World Federation for the Protection of Animals and Its Members, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Oregon Dog Control Laws and Due Process: A Case Study, Christopher C. Eck and Robert E. Bovett
Origins of Animal Law: Three Perspectives, Richard J. Katz, Michael C. Blumm, and Holly Anne Gibbons
Outside the Box: Expanding the Scope of Animal Law, William R. Cook
Patricia Forkan to Angela King, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Patricia Forkan to Angela King and Colin Blythe, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Patricia Forkan to Angela King and Colin Blythe, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Patricia Forkanto Charles Merrill, Jr., International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Patricia Forkan to Cleveland Amory, et al., International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Patricia Forkan to David A. Thomas, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Patricia Forkan to David C. Phillips, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Patricia Forkan to David C. Phillips, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Patricia Forkan to Elliot L. Richardson, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Patricia Forkan to "Friends of Whales", International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Patricia Forkan to Inge Rindal, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Patricia Forkan to Inge Rindal, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Patricia Forkan to Joel Sachs, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Patricia Forkan to John A. Hoyt, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Patricia Forkan to John Negroponte, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Patricia Forkan to John W. De Jong Schouwenburg, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Patricia Forkan to Karl Frucht, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Patricia Forkan to Karl Frucht, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Patricia Forkan to Karl Frucht, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Patricia Forkan to Linda Shaffer, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Patricia Forkan to M. Ivashin, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Patricia Forkan to Phoebe Wray, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Patricia Forkan to P. Poynton, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Patricia Forkan to Reg Stacey, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Patricia Forkan to Robert Schoning, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Patricia Forkan to Sandy Rowland, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Patricia Forkan to Terry Kerchner, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Patricia Forkan to The Fund for Animals, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Patricia Forkan to William Aron, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Patricia Forkan to William Rommel, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Patrici Forkan to George Small, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Paul J. Byrnes to Patricia Forkan, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Paul Spong to "Friends", International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Peter N. Waitt to M. Lakin, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Peter Poynton to Patricia Forkan, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Petition addressed to General Francisco Morales Bermudez, Lima Peru, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Petition for 10-year Moratorium on Whaling sent by The Fund for Animals to Anatoliy F. Dobrynin, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Petition for 10-year Moratorium on Whaling sent by The Fund for Animals to Takeshi Yasukawa, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Petition for 10-year Moratorium on Whaling sent by The Fund for Animals to Takeshi Yasukawa, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Petition for 10-year Moratorium on Whaling sent by The Fund for Animals to Takeshi Yasukawa, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Pets in the Eye of the Storm: Hurricane Katrina Floods the Courts with Pet Custody Disputes, Megan McNabb
P. Falconer to Angela King, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Phoebe Wray to Marion Probst, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Phoebe Wray to Pat Patricia Forkan, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Phoebe Wray to Patricia Forkan, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Phoebe Wray to Patricia Forkan, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Phoebe Wray to Patricia Forkan, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Phoebe Wray to [various whale advocacy organizations], International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Policy on Wildlife Conservation, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Political Ideology and the Legal Status of Animals, Robert Garner
Power for the People: Recognizing the Constitutional Right to Vote for President, Charlie Martel
P. Poynton to Patricia Forkan, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
P.R. Ellis to Angela King, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Press Release, "Japan Whaling Industry Will Fully Respect New IWC Decisions", International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Principles of Animal Research: Replacement, Reduction, Refinement, and Responsibility, Bryan D. Ogden
Private Placements: Will FINRA Sink in the Sea Change?, Jennifer J. Johnson
Protecting Crime Victims in State Constitutions: The Example of the New Marsy's Law For Florida, Paul G. Cassell and Margaret Garvin
Prudence I. Fox Memo, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Prudence I. Fox Memo, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Prudence I. Fox Memo, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Prudence I. Fox Memo, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Prudence I. Fox Memo, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Prudence I. Fox Memo, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Public Nuisance: Public Rights, Private Rights and the Common Good, James L. Huffman
Public Participation and Transparency in Administrative Law - Three Examples as an Object Lesson, William Funk
Ray Gambell Circular Communication, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Ray Gambell to K. Frucht, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Ray Gambell to K. Frucht, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Ray Gambell to Observers, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Ray Gambell to Observers, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Ray Gambell to Patricia Forkan, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Ray Josephs to "Sir", International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Reaching for Justice: An Analysis of Self-Help Prosecution for Animal Crimes, Jennifer H. Rackstraw
Rebuilding the Wall, Bill Davis
Reconciling Polar Bear Protection Under United States Laws and the International Agreement for the Conservation of Polar Bears, Donald C. Baur
Recovering 'Protection and Security': The Treaty Standard’s Obscure Origins, Forgotten Meaning, and Key Current Significance, George K. Foster
Recovery of Common Law Damages for Emotional Distress, Loss of Society, and Loss of Companionship for the Wrongful Death of a Companion Animal, Steven M. Wise
Recovery of "Non-Economic" Damages for Wrongful Killing or Injury of Companion Animals: A Judicial and Legislative Trend, Sonia S. Waisman and Barbara R. Newell
Redefining the Rights of Undocumented Workers, Keith Cunningham-Parmeter
Reflections on Seminole Rock: The Past, Present, and Future of Deference to Agency Regulatory Interpretations, Aaron L. Nielson, Sanne H. Knudsen, Amy J. Wildermuth, Aditya Bamzai, Richard J. Pierce, Cynthia Barmore, William Yeatman, Christopher J. Walker, Kevin M. Stack, Andy Grewal, Steve R. Johnson, F. Andrew Hessick, Jonathan H. Adler, Catherine M. Sharkey, David Feder, Cass R. Sunstein, Adrian Vermeule, Ronald M. Levin, Kevin O. Leske, James Cleith Phillips, Daniel Ortner, Gillian E. Metzger, William Funk, Kristin E. Hickman, Jeffrey A. Pojanowski, Adam White, and Conor Clarke
Reg Stacey to Patricia Forkan, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Reg Stacey to Robert M. White, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Reg Stacey to Tony Carding, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Renewing Study into the Oldest Hatred: Introduction to the Law vs. Antisemitism Symposium, David H. Schraub
Reparations as a Basis for the Makah's Right to Whale, Russell C. D'Costa
Restricting the Use of Animal Traps in the United States: An Overview of Laws and Strategy, Dena M. Jones and Sheila Hughes Rodriguez
Richard B. Roe to Members of the International Whaling Commission Interagency Committee, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Richard L. Tobin to International Whaling Commission, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Rights of Slaves and Other Owned-Anaimals, Alan Watson
Ringling Brothers on Trial: Circus Elephants and the Endangered Species Act, Mark Eichelman
R.J. Sivewright to Yvonne Carrick, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
R.N. Wright to Linda Scheible, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Robbins Barstow to Patricia Forkan, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Robbins Barstow to Richard A. Frank, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Robert G. Wheeler to Stewart H. Freeman, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Robert M. White Memo, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Robert M. White to Lewis Regenstein, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Robert M. White to Patricia Forkan, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Robert M White to Reg Stacey, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Robert M. White to Reg Stacey, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Roger Payne to Edmund G. Brown, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Roots of Human Resistance to Animal Rights: Psychological and Conceptual Blocks, Steven J. Bartlett
Russell E. Train to Cleveland Armory, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Sandy Rowland to "Friends", International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
San Francisco Fund for Animals and Project JONAH to The Fund for Animals, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
"Save the Whales" v. "Save the Makah": The Makah and the Struggle for Native Whaling, Richard Kirk Eichstaedt
Saving Lives or Spreading Fear: The Terroristic Nature of Eco-Extremism, Kevin R. Grubbs
Saving Species or Sacrificing Science?: Navigating the Legal Labyrinth of Research and Conservation Through The Case of the Long-Tailed Macaque, Maliat Chowdhury
Screening Water Diversions for Fish Protection: A Survey of Policy, Practices, and Compliance in the Pacific Northwest, James D. Crammond
Securities Class Actions in State Court, Jennifer J. Johnson
See Spot Eat, See Spot Die: The Pet Food Recall of 2007, Kate Paulman
Sheryll Cashin and Lee Matthews
Sheryll Cashin and Robert Klonoff
Sheryll Cashin and Robert Klonoff
Sheryll Cashin and Robert Klonoff
Sheryll Cashin and Robert Klonoff
Sheryll Cashin and Robert Klonoff
Sheryll Cashin and Robert Klonoff
Sheryll Cashin with Juliet Stumpf, Bill Chin, and Robert Klonoff
Sheryll Cashin with Justice Adrienne Nelson and Guest
Sheryll Cashin with Lee Mattews, Jacqueline Alexander, Robert Klonoff, and Paula Abrams
Sheryll Cashin with Lee Matthews and Guest
Sheryll Cashin with Lee Matthews and Guests
Sheryll Cashin with Lee Matthews and Justice Adrienne Nelson
Sheryll Cashin with Lee Matthews, Jacqueline Alexander, and Guests
Sheryll Cashin with Robert Klonoff and Guests
Sheryll Cashin with Robert Klonoff and Paula Abrams
Shidzue Kato to Patricia Forkan, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Shigenobu Katu to Norman Duke, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Shoot First, Talk Later: Blowing Holes in Freedom of Speech, Jacqueline Tresl
Should They Go the Way of the Horse and Buggy? How the New York City Horse-Drawn Carriage Industry Has Survived Thirty Years of Opposition, Katherine Hutchison
Show the Whales a Little Humanity - Mailing List, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Slamming Shut the Ark Doors: Congress's Attack on the Listing Process of the Endangered Species Act, Jeffrey S. Kopf
S. Lynn Sutcliffe and Deborah M. Gottheil to John V. Byrne, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Some Thoughts on Animal Experimentation, David Favre
Son of Sam and Dog of Sam: Regulating depictions of Animal cruelty Through the Use of Criminal Anti-Profit Statutes, Emma Ricaurte
S. Oue to M. Lakin, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Speaking for the Modern Prometheus: The Significance of Animal Suffering to the Abolition Movement, Elizabeth L. DeCoux
State Animal Anti-Cruelty Statutes: An Overview, Pamela D. Frasch, Stephan K. Otto, Kristen M. Olsen, and Paul A. Ernest
State Animal Protection Laws -- The Next Generation, Stephan K. Otto
Statute of Anne-imals: Should Copyright Protect Sentient Non-Human Creators?, Dane E. Johnson
Statutes with Four Legs to Stand On? An Examination of "Cruelty to Police Dog" Laws, Craig Ian Scheiner
Steven M. Wise: Rattling the Cage -- Toward Legal Rights for Animals, David J. Wolfson
Steve Seater to Patricia Forkan, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Stewart H. Freeman to Donna Miller, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Striking a Balance Between Investor Protections and National Sovereignty: The Relevance of Local Remedies in Investment Treaty Arbitration, George K. Foster
Striking a Balance: Why Federal and State Laws Should be Revised to Effectively Deter Puppy Mills, Kaitlyn Cameron
Subverting Justice: An Indictment of the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, Kim McCoy
Susan J. Cooper to Angela King, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
S. Weldon to P. Brangwyn, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Symposium: Perspectives on Domestic and Captive Animals
Taxpayer Standing: A Step Toward Animal-Centric Litigation, Varu Chilakamarri
T.D. McBroom to Tony Carding, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Teaching Posthumanist Ethics in Law School: The Race, Culture, and Gender Dimensions of Student Resistance, Maneesha Deckha
Telegram from U.S. Department of State, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Temporary Takings and the Statute of Limitations, James L. Huffman
Ten Lessons Our Constitutional Experience Can Teach Us About the Puzzle of Animal Rights: The Work of Steven M. Wise, Laurence H. Tribe
Ten Years of Animal Law at Lewis & Clark Law School, Nancy V. Perry
Terrell C. Newby to Bruce M. Keegan, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Terry L. Leitzell Request for Comments, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Terry L. Leitzell to Milton M. Kaufman, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
The 3Rs and Non-Human Animals in Biomedical Research: The Next 65 Years, Paul Locke, Richelle Romanchik, Breanne Kincaid, and Emily Golden
The Advocate (Fall 1981), Lewis & Clark Law School
The Advocate (Fall 1983), Lewis & Clark Law School
The Advocate (Fall 1984), Lewis & Clark Law School
The Advocate (Fall 1985), Lewis & Clark Law School
The Advocate (Fall 1986), Lewis & Clark Law School
The Advocate (Fall 1987), Lewis & Clark Law School
The Advocate (Fall 1989), Lewis & Clark Law School
The Advocate (Fall 1990), Lewis & Clark Law School
The Advocate (Fall 1991), Lewis & Clark Law School
The Advocate (Fall 1994), Lewis & Clark Law School
The Advocate (Fall 1997), Lewis & Clark Law School
The Advocate (Fall 1998), Lewis & Clark Law School
The Advocate (Fall 1999), Lewis & Clark Law School
The Advocate (Fall 2000), Lewis & Clark Law School
The Advocate (Fall 2001), Lewis & Clark Law School
The Advocate (Fall 2002), Lewis & Clark Law School
The Advocate (Fall 2003), Lewis & Clark Law School
The Advocate (Fall 2004), Lewis & Clark Law School
The Advocate (Fall 2005), Lewis & Clark Law School
The Advocate (Fall 2007), Lewis & Clark Law School
The Advocate (Fall 2009), Lewis & Clark Law School
The Advocate (Fall 2011), Lewis & Clark Law School
The Advocate (Fall 2012), Lewis & Clark Law School
The Advocate (Fall 2014), Lewis & Clark Law School
The Advocate (Fall 2016), Lewis & Clark Law School
The Advocate (Fall 2017), Lewis & Clark Law School
The Advocate (Fall 2018), Lewis & Clark Law School
The Advocate (Fall 2019), Lewis & Clark Law School
The Advocate (Fall 2020), Lewis & Clark Law School
The Advocate (Fall 2021), Lewis & Clark Law School
The Advocate (Fall 2022), Lewis & Clark Law School
The Advocate (Fall 2023), Lewis & Clark Law School
The Advocate (Spring 1983), Lewis & Clark Law School
The Advocate (Spring 1984), Lewis & Clark Law School
The Advocate (Spring 1985), Lewis & Clark Law School
The Advocate (Spring 1986), Lewis & Clark Law School
The Advocate (Spring 1987), Lewis & Clark Law School
The Advocate (Spring 1990), Lewis & Clark Law School
The Advocate (Spring 1991), Lewis & Clark Law School
The Advocate (Spring 1995), Lewis & Clark Law School
The Advocate (Spring 1996), Lewis & Clark Law School
The Advocate (Spring 1997), Lewis & Clark Law School
The Advocate (Spring 2012), Lewis & Clark Law School
The Advocate (Spring 2013), Lewis & Clark Law School
The Advocate (Summer 1988), Lewis & Clark Law School
The Advocate (Summer 1992), Lewis & Clark Law School
The Advocate (Summer 1993), Lewis & Clark Law School
The Advocate (Winter 1982), Lewis & Clark Law School
The Advocate (Winter 1988-89), Lewis & Clark Law School
The Advocate (Winter 1992), Lewis & Clark Law School
The Advocate (Winter 1994), Lewis & Clark Law School
The Alaskan Wolf War: The Public Trust Doctrine Missing in Action, Edward A. Fitzgerald
The Animal Question: The Key to Coming to Terms with Nature, Jim Mason
The Case for a Global Treaty on Soil Conservation, Sustainable Farming, and the Preservation of Agrarian Culture, Nicholas Fromherz
The Conflict Between Species in an Ever More Crowded World, Jane Goodall
The Connection Between Animal Abuse and Family Violence: A Selected Annotated Bibliography, Sharon L. Nelson
The Cruelty Involved in the Killing of Whales, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
The Day May Come: Legal Rights for Animals, Tom Regan
The Economic Value of Companion Animals: A Legal and Anthropological Argument for Special Valuation, Geordie Duckler
The Endangered Species Act v. The United States Department of Justice: How the Department of Justice Derailed Criminal Prosecutions Under the Endangered Species Act, Ed Newcomer, Marie Palladini, and Leah Jones
The Epistemic Dimension of Antisemitism, David H. Schraub
The Ethical Case for European Legislation Against Fur Farming, Andrew Linzey
The Evolving Legal Status of Chimpanzees
The Federal Role in Water Resource Management, James L. Huffman
The Fruits of Our Labor: Results from the First Session of The 105th Congress -- 1997 Federal Legislative Summary, Nancy Perry
The Fund for Animals Press Release, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
The Fund for Animals Report to The Charles E. Merrill Trust, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
The Fund for Animals Report to The Charles E. Merrill Trust, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
The Fund for Animals to City News Service, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
The Future of Veterinary Malpractice Liability in the Care of Companion Animals, Christopher Green
The Historical and Contemporary Prosecution and Punishment of Animals, Jen Girgen
The Injustice of Animal Welfare: A Review of Animals, Property, and the Law, Priscilla N. Cohn
The Japanese Dolphin Hunts: In Quest of International Legal Protection for Small Cetaceans, Rachelle Adam
The Kittles Case and Its Aftermath, Joshua Marquis
The Legal Status of Nonhuman Animals
(The Limits of) Judicial Resegregation, David H. Schraub
The Nature and Effects of Constitutional State Objectives: Assessing the German Basic Law's Animal Protection Clause, Claudia E. Haupt
The Oregon Bear and Cougar Initiative: A Look at the Initiative Process, Nancy Perry
The Participation Principle and the Dialectic of Sovereignty-Sharing, George K. Foster
The Politics of Legal Writing: Proceedings of a Conference for Legal Research and Writing Program Directors, Jan M. Levine, Rebecca A. Cochran, and Steven J. Johansen
There are No Bad Dogs, Only Bad Owners: Replacing Strict Liability with a Negligence Standard in Dog Bite Cases, Lynn A. Epstein
The Rise and Purported Demise of Wong Yang Sung, William Funk
The Rise of Equine Liability Activity Acts, Sharlene A. McEvoy
The Role of Animals in Livable Communities, Earl Blumenauer
The Sexual Harassment Loophole, Keith Cunningham-Parmeter
The Thirsty Cow and and Important Distinction, Priscilla Cohn
The World Trade Organisation Rules: A Legal Analysis of Their Adverse Impact on Animal Welfare, Peter Stevenson
Think or be Damned: The Problematic Case of Higher Cognition in Animals and Legislation for Animal Welfare, Lesley J. Rogers and Gisela Kaplan
This is Not the Whole Truth: The Ethics of Telling Stories to Clients, Steven J. Johansen
Throwing Caution to the Wind: The Global Bear Parts Trade, Adam M. Roberts and Nancy V. Perry
Thunder Without Rain: A Review/Commentary of Rain Without Thunder: The Ideology of the Animal Rights Movement, Steven M. Wise
Time to Free the 'Evidence': Animal Cruelty Prosecutions, Pre-Conviction Forfeiture, and Brady Violations, Gary J. Patronek
Tony Carding to Belton P. Mouras, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Tony Carding to Patricia Forkan, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Tony Carding to Patricia Forkan, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Tony Carding to Reg Stacey, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Tony Carding to The Fund for Animals, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Tony Mallin to Doris Dixon, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Tony Mallin to Kathleen M. Brennan, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Toward a More Appropriate Jurispurdence Regarding the Legal Status of Zoos and Zoo Animals, Georgie Duckler
To What Extent Does Wealth Maximization Benefit Farmed Animals? A Law and Economics Approach to a Ban on Gestation Crates in Pig Production, Geoffrey C. Evans
Tracking the ADC: Ranchers' Boon, Taxpayers' Burden, Wildlife's Bane, David Hoch and Will Carrington Heath
Trevor H. Scott to John H. Hoyt, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Trevor H. Scott to Patricia Forkan, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Two Major Flaws of the Animal Rights Movement, Geordie Duckler
"…Und Die Tiere" Constitutional Protection for Germany's Animals, Kate M. Nattrass
(Un)Equal Protection: Why Gender Equality Depends on Discrimination, Keith Cunningham-Parmeter
United States Department of State to American Embassies, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Using A Jury of Her Peers to Teach About the Connection Between Domestic Violence and Animal Abuse, Caroline Forell
Using Dogs for Emotional Support of Testifying Victims of Crime, Marianne Dellinger
Using Special Masters to Advance the Goals of Animal Protection Laws, Alexis C. Fox
Valerie Cross to Patricia Forkan, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Valerie McOuat to "Whale Friends", International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Valuing Companion Animals in Wrongful Death Cases: A Survey of Current Court and Legislative Action and a Suggestion for Valuing Pecuniary Loss of Companionship, Elaine T. Byszewski
Victims in Criminal Procedure, Douglas E. Beloof, Paul G. Cassell, Meg Garvin, and Steven J. Twist
Victor B. Scheffer to Marion Probst, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Victor B. Scheffer to The Fund for Animals, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Victor Watkins to Patricia Forkan, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Vilma Barraclough to Mrs. M. Galloway, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Wallace P. Douglass to Dorit Riemer, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Wallace P. Douglass to Dorit Riemer, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Was Colonel Sanders a Terrorist? An Essay on the Ethical Limits of Applied Legal Storytelling, Steven J. Johansen
Welfare Improvements for Organic Animals: Closing Loopholes in the Regulation of Organic Animal Husbandry, Aurora Paulsen
When Amazon Drivers Kill: Accidents, Agency Law, and the Contractor Economy, Keith Cunningham-Parmeter
When Commercial Meets Sovereign: A New Paradigm for Applying the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act in Crossover Cases, George K. Foster
When is a 'Rule' a Regulation? Marking a Clear Line between Nonlegislative Rules and Legislative Rules, William Funk
Where Do we Draw the Line Between Harassment and Free Speech?: An Analysis of Hunter Harassment Law, Katherine Hessler
Wildlife -- Our Most Valuable Public Resource, Elizabeth Furse
William T. Coleman Presentation
William T. Coleman with Robert Klonoff and Jacqueline Alexander
William T. Coleman with Robert Klonoff, Jacqueline Alexander, and Guest
Will the Heavens Fall? De-Radicalizing the Precedent-Breaking Decision, Paul Waldau
World Federation for the Protection of Animals to the International Whaling Commission, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Yasuhiko Suzuki to Joseph L. Gaebeny, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Yasuhiko Suzuki to Mrs. B.L. Andrett, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Y. Katayama to Akira Yamato, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Yuzuki Kito to Mrs. David Winter, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Yve Goody to Angela King, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Yve Goody to Doctor Richardson, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection
Yve Goody to Mrs. Macartney, International Whaling Commission: Patricia Forkan Collection