
Animal Law Review

Submit Your Work

Publishing with the Animal Law Review:

Animal Law Review’s selection process includes review by two Submissions Editors and the Editor in Chief before a decision is made. We consider articles, essays, notes, comments, book reviews, and other scholarly works that are valuable to attorneys in corporate, governmental, nonprofit, or private practice, as well as legislatures, the judiciary, policy-makers, students, and the interested public.

Submitting your work:

We accept submissions on a rolling basis. Work can be e-mailed to se-animallaw@lclark.edu.

E-mail submissions are preferred. Alternatively, submissions may be mailed to us at:
Animal Law Review
Attn: Submissions Editor
10101 S Terwilliger Blvd.
Portland, Oregon 97219

If you have questions about the submission process, please call our office at (503) 768-6798 or send an email to se-animallaw@lclark.edu.


Format guidelines:

1. We accept articles by mail or by e-mail (preferred).

2. Please use footnotes instead of endnotes. Animal Law follows The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation.

3. Please include a cover sheet that includes the following information: name, article title, address, phone number(s), e-mail address, affiliation, and biographical information.

4. We consider articles of any length. However, our goal is to include several scholarly articles between 25-50 pages (double-spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font) in each Issue. Essays, notes, comments, and book reviews may be considerably shorter.