
Animal Law Review

First Page



The author describes her journey to animal law and the contributions she has made to the field, particularly in respect of ballot initiatives that have been used successfully to make specific improvements to the welfare of farmed animals. She provides an overview of the Florida ballot initiative prohibiting the confinement of pigs during pregnancy and the California ballot initiatives setting minimum cage size for laying hens and more, highlighting how the idea for each initiative was born, and the drafting and implementation challenges encountered along the way. The author also focusses on other legal and non-legal strategies that are being deployed in the ever-growing animal law movement, such as undercover investigations and the author’s own popular podcast, the Hen House and the Animal Law Podcast. Sadly, despite this work, farmed animals continue to suffer in large numbers. While the author considers that there is greater public awareness of farmed animal welfare issues, partly as a result of successful ballot initiatives, the future of animal law remains to be seen.

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Animal Law Commons



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