
Animal Law Review

First Page



This Note explores the link between domestic violence and animal abuse and argues that due to such a link, New Jersey should enact a publicly searchable, cross-checking animal abuse registry and a domestic violence registry. Numerous studies confirm the connection between domestic violence and animal abuse. By examining the scope and history of these abuses, and exploring the status of registries in various states, this Note aims to explain the problems these issues pose to our society. Enacting these registries in New Jersey could keep law enforcement aware of illegal activity, reveal child abuse, and prevent the online selling of animals by puppy mills and animal fighting rings. The public has an interest and need for domestic violence and animal abuse registries, but these registries either do not exist in many states or are not publicly searchable. Additionally, current registries provide no mechanism for crossreferencing, so a person listed in a domestic violence registry, but not an animal abuse registry, can obtain a pet despite the correlation between domestic violence and animal cruelty. Cross-checking registries in New Jersey would serve to increase these benefits and further protect potential victims of either type of abuse. Registries continue to gain momentum into the twenty-first century; the analysis in this Note serves to provide valuable insight into how they can be used fairly to protect the vulnerable.

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Animal Law Commons



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